Who we are

The Sharks Studies Centre - Scientific Institute , (ai sensi dell’art.27 del D.P.R. 9 giugno 1976 n.1057) - Decreto Ministeriale n.17647 del 27 Agosto 2018 - MIPAAFT. Managed by no-profit Association “Posidonia", private structure, in scientific coordination with the Universities of Calabria and Siena, carries out study activities on sharks, conservation and teaching, addressed to students, researchers and the general public. The Sharks Studies Centre - Scientific Institute is part of the network of the Tuscan Observatory for Biodiversity promoted by the Tuscany Region, it does not receive public funding and carries out its activities thanks to: revenue of the Posidonia non-profit association , research projects, sponsorships, donations and contributions to take part in expeditions.

Our history

The Sharks Studies Centre - Scientific Institute was founded in 2000 by the will of its founder Micarelli Primo, holder of a Master's degree in Oceanography, held in Paris VI° and Ph. D. in Environmental Science held in Siena University where he teaches as Contract Professor: https://www.dsfta.unisi.it/en/department/people/docenti-contratto-eng/micarelli-primo, passionate about marine fauna and flora and in particular way of the sharks. The headquarter of the Sharks Studies Centre - Scientific Institute is located in Tuscany, in Massa Marittima (Loc.Valpiana), at the Mondo Marino Aquarium which provides tanks and materials for the study of sharks. The CSS hosts: laboratory, Shark Exposition, Conference room, it is provided of boat for coastal monitoring.



Primo Micarelli

CSS Founder and Director - Siena University Contract Professor


Francesca Romana Reinero

CSS Research Scientist - Scientific coordinator


Emilio Sperone

CSS Cofounder


Valérie Barbot

Head of Didactics of the Sharks Studies Center - Scientific Institute

Post Doc

Antonio Pacifico

CSS Associate Researcher

Ricercatrice ISPRA Livorno

Isabella Buttino

Ricercatrice Associata CSS
