et congrès

Conférences et congrès

Le staff du Centre d’Etudes des Requins - Institut Scientifique participe chaque année à des conférences et congrès nationaux et internationaux:

  • Congrès EEA
  • Congrès SIBM
  • Congrès EUAC
  • Conference Maison des Océans (Parigi)
  • Meeting au Musée Océanographique de Monaco
  • Conférence organisée par le Centre d’Etudes des Requins - Institut Scientifique
    avec l'invité d'honneur Ph.D. Leonardo Compagno (membre du comité scientifique du Centre d’Etudes des Requins
  • Conference Espace des Sciences en France (Rennes)
  • Partecipations trasmission TV italienne Geo&Geo.



Archive conférences et congrès

A) Conférence au Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Grosseto ITA: "20 ans de recherche sur les requins blancs" Septembre

COSENZA E.E.A. OCTOBER 23th European Elasmobranch Association Meeting:
LINK WEB: Dear colleagues, We are excited to organize the XXIII European Elasmobranch Association Meeting, which will take place in Rende, Italy, from the 16th to the 18th of October 2019. The congress will behosted by the University of Calabria, and jointly organized with the G.R.I.S. (Italian Group of Sharks Researchers) and the C.S.S. (Sharks Studies Centre). We hope that the congress will be a great forum where scientists, conservationists, students and all those interested in elasmobranchs share the results of their most exciting research, look for synergies and find new collaborations. The Congress will include four plenary lectures, scientific sessions (orals and posters) and workshops. The congress sessions will cover all the aspects from evolutionary biology to ethology, from morphology to ecology and conservation. The congress will also include the ordinary general meeting of the E.E.A. (European Elasmobranch Association), multiple social activities, and field underwater activities. The official language of the congress will be English. The congress website ( will provide next weeks all the details about registration and related activities. Provisional Key dates: • Second circular and registration open: 15th February 2019 •End of reduced registration fees: 15th May 2019•Submission of abstracts: 15th June 2019 and Communication of acceptance: Before August30th. We look forward to see you all in Rende! The Organizing Committee Sincerely yours.

A) 22nd ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE European Elasmobranch Association Scientific Conference 12 – 14 OCTOBER 2018 | PENICHE – PORTUGAL Escola Superior de Turismo e Tecnologia do Mar


A) 21nd ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE European Elasmobranch Association Scientific Conference

B) Espace des Science Rennes Octobre: "Et si le Requin blanc disparaissait des ocean?"

C) 48nd ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE Société italienne de biologie marine: Rome Juin

A) 20nd ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE European Elasmobranch Association Scientific Conference

A) ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE Société italienne de biologie marine: Rome Juin

A) Meeting European Union of Aquarium Curator - Genova

B) Conférence à l'Institut océanographique - la Maison des Océan Paris: "les grand requins blanc de Mediterraneè"

A) 16nd ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE European Elasmobranch Association Scientific Conference: Milan ITA

B) 43nd ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE Société italienne de biologie marine: Juin

A) 15nd ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE European Elasmobranch Association Scientific Conference: Berlin Ger

A) 13nd ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE European Elasmobranch Association Scientific Conference: Palma de Maillorca Spain

A) 39nd ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE Société italienne de biologie marine: Juin Cesenatico ITA

B) ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE Société italienne de Etologie: Rende Calabria ITA

C) 12nd ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE European Elasmobranch Association Scientific Conference: Brest FRA

A) 11nd ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE European Elasmobranch Association Scientific Conference: Brest FRA

A) 37nd ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE Société italienne de biologie marine: Juin Grosseto ITA

B) ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE Union zoologique italienne: Rome